
18 Февраля 2025
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"Я знаю, что ничего не знаю, но многие не знают и этого". Сократ [?].

Firefox: S3.Translator

S3.Translator - это дополнение к браузеру, которое упростит вам посещение не русскоязычных сайтов.

Eric (гость)

Thanks for the great addon. I ran into a problem and I'm wondering if there's a fix for it.

When I use WordPress, your add-on keeps adding code when I'm editing pages (bloc editor / rich text).

If I select any text while using the visual view in the editor, it adds code that can only be seen using the code view in the editor.

This is the code that it adds:

<div id="s3gt_translate_tooltip_mini" class="s3gt_translate_tooltip_mini_box" style="background: initial !important; border: initial !important; border-radius: initial !important; border-spacing: initial !important; border-collapse: initial !important; direction: ltr !important; flex-direction: initial !important; font-weight: initial !important; height: initial !important; letter-spacing: initial !important; min-width: initial !important; max-width: initial !important; min-height: initial !important; max-height: initial !important; margin: auto !important; outline: initial !important; padding: initial !important; position: absolute; table-layout: initial !important; text-align: initial !important; text-shadow: initial !important; width: initial !important; word-break: initial !important; word-spacing: initial !important; overflow-wrap: initial !important; box-sizing: initial !important; display: initial !important; color: inherit !important; font-size: 13px !important; font-family: X-LocaleSpecific, sans-serif, Tahoma, Helvetica !important; line-height: 13px !important; vertical-align: top !important; white-space: inherit !important; left: 50px; top: 45px; opacity: 0.8;">
<div id="s3gt_translate_tooltip_mini_logo" class="s3gt_translate_tooltip_mini" title="Translate selected text"></div>
<div id="s3gt_translate_tooltip_mini_sound" class="s3gt_translate_tooltip_mini" title="Play"></div>
<div id="s3gt_translate_tooltip_mini_copy" class="s3gt_translate_tooltip_mini" title="Copy text to Clipboard"></div>

Is there a way of stopping it from doing this?

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